Hygienic mask made of 100% organic cotton.
Protects the planet, our mask is reusable and 110 times machine washable up to 60ºC.
Efficiency greater than 94% in filtration of aerosols and particles.
Resistant to dry and wet microbacterial penetration.
High breathability.
No odors are gave off and is Rosin free.
Takes care of the skin and no fluff is gave off.
Fabric certified by OEKO-TEX ®.
Fabric tested by ITEL according to UNE-EN14683 and UNE-EN-0065-20-20.
Complies with the European directive for medical devices.
Multi-position with soft latex free rubber band.
30ml hydroalcoholic gel with glycerin and eternally refillable.
Pendant leather case.
Black vanity case ONDAS made of 100% regenerated nylon Econyl®.